The Summer of Cotton Candy by Debbie Viguie
Back Cover: Most people think The Zone is an amusement oark, but Candace Thompson it's really a slave labor camp. What else would you call a summer job that requires sixteen-ear-old girl to set aside her whole social life for the privilege of standing out in the hot sun selling cotton candy? Still, tgere are perks- particularly the mysterious guy in the Lone Ranger costume. Behind that mask are the most amazing eyes Candace has ever seen. Who is that masked man? This book was cute! I love the cover and I've wanted to read these books for a while. And I just realized all the titles have candy in it for the main character Candace, nicknamed Candy while working at the amusement park. It was just a fun summer book that made me miss summer even more and not wanna go to school haha. And cotton candy is great! Plus my best friend worked at the cotton candy stand for the Puyallup fair, haha. But on to the next one, I can read these pretty fast thank goodness so I can reach my goal. It's getting harder everyday man!
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