Fool's Gold: Color me Consumed by Melody Carlson
Back Cover: All in all, Hannah Johnson is pretty happy as a missionary kid. InPapua New Guinea, no one worries about fancy clothes or credit card limits- everyone has other things to think about. But when Hannah visits her cousin Vanessa for a summer in America, everything changes. All that glitters isn't gold. Vanessa and her friends try to catch Hannah up on all the latest fasion trends, but in the end, Hannah feels hopeless. She doesn't think she'll ever be able to keep up with the rich girls, but that doesn't stop her from trying. In the process, Hannah is forced to come to grips with what she values most: beauty on the outside or beauty on the inside. This was a great book. Melody Carlson is an amazing author, with her Christian books come really good lessons. I can understand how Hannah got caught up in the world of famous designers. I mean, she lived with people who went shopping like that, so who wouldn't pick up the same type of habits? But like she was thinking when she was driving Vanessa's car back from the party, with those rich people in their rich clothes driving their fancy car, are they really happy? And so she figures out that what she's doing isn't necessary and prays to God and He helps, of course He does. I know this happens to lots of people, the shopaholic, like the books! Those are great books too, but anyways, I liked it because of how she talked too it was cute and funny. And it was a good idea to have all the colors according to different emotions or like the theme of the book.
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