Before I Die by Jenny Downham
Front Flap: Everyone has to die. We all know it. With only a few months of life left, sixteen-year-old Tessa knows it better than most. She's made a list, thought- ten things she wants to do before she dies. Number one is sex. Starting tonight. But getting what you want isn't easy. And getting what you want doesn't always give you what you need. And sometimes the most unexpected things become important. Uplifting, life-affirming, joyous- this extraordinary novel celebrates what it is to be alive by confronting what it's really like to die. This was sooo sad! I knew it was going to be because of the title, but it just hits you. It was an emotional book. I like the way the author writes sometimes silly things or it's kind of like writing poetry in the story of the book. But Tessa was amazing, and I know I'd be making a list too if I was in her situation. The saddest part though was the end when she couldn't talk or do anything, and was just remembering memories and hearing her loved ones for the last time. This was an amazing novel.
This is on my TBR-glad to hear you enjoyed it!