Shopaholic & Sister by Sophie Kinsella
Back Cover: What's a round-the-world honeymoon if you can't buy the odd souvenir to ship back home? Like the twenty silk dressing gowns Becky found in Hong Kong... the hand-carved dining table (and ten chairs) from Sri Lanka... the, um, huge wooden giraffes from Malawi (that her husband Luke expressly forbade her to buy)... Only now Becky and Luke have returned home to London and Luke is furious. Two truckloads of those souvenirs have cluttered up their loft, and the bills for them are outrageous. Luke insists Becky go on a budget. And worse; her beloved best friend Suze has found a new best friend while Becky was away. Becky's feeling rather blue- when her parents deliver some incredible news. She has a long-lost sister! Becky is thrilled! She's convinced her sister will be a true soulmate. They'll go shopping together, have manicures together... Until she meets Jessica for the first time and gets the shock of her life. Surely Becky Bloomwood's sister can't... hate shopping? First off I just have to say it's really annoying because my book's cove background is like light lime green and all the ones I found have this yellow? WHAT! haha, but anyways I loved it! These books are so funny and Becky is so crazy! All that shopping she does and the thinking of why she needs to buy it is interesting and most likely true for other people, like I just was watching True Life I'm obsessed with shopping or something like that. But yeah this is the kind of situation where you feel two different ways because Becky did all that shopping and wanted that angle purse so told that guy Luke would do whatever and then made Luke super mad so you're like wth why did she do that just for that stupid bag??? But then when she's all alone at moments in the book and really sad you're like SAD! And wish everything would be better. I mean I feel like that for lots of things or see it in shows or other books so that's def a realistic thing happening, but this book is just so fun and funny and energetic. Becky is def a crazy character who def does need to do less shopping, but I still love the style of the book, especially the funny bank notices or letters from bank or organization to Becky, love that!
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