Princess in Training by Meg Cabot
Back Cover: Student body president, that is- nominated by her power-mad best friend, Lily. This is not how Mia imagined kicking off her sophomore year, but as usual, she has bigger problems to worry about, like Geometry. And now that Mia's one true love, Michael, is uptown at college, what's the point of even getting up for school in the morning? But the last straw is what Lana whispers to her on the lunch line about what college boys expect of their girlfriends... Really, it's almost more than a princess in training can bear! Another good book, and I def go through it extra fast! Like in a few hours man haha. But a kinda annoying thing like I think I said before? Is she's so unsure of herself and of Michael, and she always is worried about the same things over and over and mentions it in everything she does and says! I'm like man. It's kinda sad. I'd think by now she'd know Michael enough to like know he's there for her and they can talk about stuff. I mean if you can't talk about it, you def shouldn't be doing it!!! Talking and communication is one of the most important things! But anyways, that is so great she won the election! But of course Lily wants it, and now so does Mia, so I'm sure there'll be some great drama in the next book, at least maybe a big fight or something. It kinda reminds me of how I won prom queen, but I didn't give a speech or nothing. I was kinda like everyone knew me and my boyfriend, but we weren't in the popular crowd, I was just known, like probably most people knew my name and stuff, but yeah. I like that chair in the cover too, I want one of those haha. But yes, It was a good book and def one that flys by really fast! Oh yeah, it was also really funny how she mentioned the movie in her diary haha.
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