Back Cover: In a whirlwind, DJ accepts "lonely" Taylor's invitation to join her mom's tour in Las Vegas during Christmas break. DJ soon discovers that the unsupervised Taylor is focused on one thing only- partying with a capital "P". She's invited Eliza too, and DJ is quickly overwhelmed by the behavior of the wild duo. Desperate she calls on Casey for help and prays for a miracle before Taylor self-destructs. It was ok. I must admit I have been reading these ones so fast because they're so short and bigger wwriting compared to the otoher few I read before these last few! But I liked it and everything, and of course I remember the characters and all, I just wasn't as into it for some reason, maybe because of what the whole book was about. It was kinda sad since most of the book was only focused on two of the girls, I know they had the dance at the beginning but that felt like history real fast! haha. And I'm glad Taylor got help, and really fast too, which doesn't seem relaly likley, but hey it could happen. It was really sad DJ was all by herself, but she made and with her prayers she can get through anything. Hopefully the next one will be better, it def sounds better.
Back Cover: Seventeen-year-old Lila Beckwith's parents just left for vacation and Lila's all set to throw the holiday party of the season. But when her Christmas-obsessed little brother, Cooper, discovers that global warming is melting the North Pole, he and his best friend, Tyler, take off on a runaway mission to save Santa. Lila has to get Cooper safely home before her parents get back on Christmas Eve. But the only person who can help her is Tyler's older brother, Beau- a.k.a. Lila's musician, anti-everything ex-boyfriend. It'll take more than a Christmas miracle for Lila and Beau to overcome their differences and find their fugitive brothers. But could a journey destined for disaster help these polar opposites fall in love all over again? This was good, but def not one of my favs by Kate Brian, because I am definitely in love with the private and privilege series, but anyways. I do think it was something different, even though it's a Christmas book, it doesn't focus on Christmas, as much as the journey Lila takes with the ex she thinks she hates to find her little brother who ruined her plans and also thinks she hates, but in the end those two and her parents are the ones who she loves the most. And that's a good ending. Because of course the college boyfriend cheats on the high school girlfriend. And it's like CArly said duh how could she not think that? Well then why the freak were you still dating him then? But ya know, it took a lot for her to figure out that she still really did love Beau, and I like that the guy she loves ends up not being the popular jock guy or whatever, but someone different and someone that she actually connects with. Who knows what really goes on in high school with relationships like that, I know I found my perfect guy though! :] I also love the cover! The green is really pretty and the candy canes are cool feeling haha. But still a good read, just not as magnificent as some others she's written.
Back Cover: Student body president, that is- nominated by her power-mad best friend, Lily. This is not how Mia imagined kicking off her sophomore year, but as usual, she has bigger problems to worry about, like Geometry. And now that Mia's one true love, Michael, is uptown at college, what's the point of even getting up for school in the morning? But the last straw is what Lana whispers to her on the lunch line about what college boys expect of their girlfriends... Really, it's almost more than a princess in training can bear! Another good book, and I def go through it extra fast! Like in a few hours man haha. But a kinda annoying thing like I think I said before? Is she's so unsure of herself and of Michael, and she always is worried about the same things over and over and mentions it in everything she does and says! I'm like man. It's kinda sad. I'd think by now she'd know Michael enough to like know he's there for her and they can talk about stuff. I mean if you can't talk about it, you def shouldn't be doing it!!! Talking and communication is one of the most important things! But anyways, that is so great she won the election! But of course Lily wants it, and now so does Mia, so I'm sure there'll be some great drama in the next book, at least maybe a big fight or something. It kinda reminds me of how I won prom queen, but I didn't give a speech or nothing. I was kinda like everyone knew me and my boyfriend, but we weren't in the popular crowd, I was just known, like probably most people knew my name and stuff, but yeah. I like that chair in the cover too, I want one of those haha. But yes, It was a good book and def one that flys by really fast! Oh yeah, it was also really funny how she mentioned the movie in her diary haha.
Back Cover: Andrea Sachs, a small-town girl fresh out of college, lands the job "a million girls would die fir." Hired as the assistant to Miranda Priestly, the high-profile, fabulously successful editor of Runway magazine, Andrea finds herself in an office that shouts Prada! Armani! Versace! at every turn, a world populated by impossibly thin, heart-wrenchingly stylish women and beautiful men clad in fine-ribbed turtlenecks and tight leather pants that show off their lifelong dedication to the gym. With breathtaking ease, Miranda can turn each and every one of those hip sophisticates into a scared, whimpering child. The Devil Wears Prada gives a rich and hilarious new meaning to plaints about "The Boss from Hell." Narrated in Andrea's smart, refreshingly disarming voice, it traces a deep, dark, devilish view of life at the top only hinted at in gossip columns and over Cosmopolitans at the trendiest cocktail parties. From sending the latest, not-yet-in-stores Harry Potter to Miranda's children in Paris by private ket, to locating an unnamed antiques store where Miranda had at some point admired a vinrage dresser, to serving lattes to Miranda at precisely the piping hot temperature she prefers, Andrea is sorely tested each and every day- and often late into the night- with orders barked over the phone. She puts up with it all by keeping her eyes on the prize: a recommendation from Miranda that will get Andrea a top job at any magazine of her choosing. As things escalate from the merely unacceptable to the downright outrageous, however, Andrea begins to realize that the job a million girls would die for may just kill her. And even if she survives, sher has to decide whether or not it's worth the price of her soul. Wow, this was really good! And it was def intense, I mean it got really annoying, every time someone said, wow a million girls would die for that job. OK! We get it, I def wouldn't die for that job sheesh. She is one crazy boss, and I hope other people out there aren't like that, although I'm sure there are some. But that just makes me mad, who freaking cares if your coffee isn't at an exact temperature, as long as it's hot. Or to go find some information about something you know nothing about, like madness. I would've quit right away, and look what happened when she did quit. She got to become friends with someone new and got some of her writings published in a nice magazine, Seventeen. Which is a lot more nicer and to young girls than Runway. Haha, I think of RunAway! But it was a great book because Andrea was so herself and funny and showed how you can make your job like your whole life, and the people you love around you fade into the background. It was sad she lost that spark with Alex, but I was kinda mad when she was flirting with that Christian guy, makes sense later on when they're like on break and know they won't be the same anymore, but before! Arg. But it was good ending, without it being too cheery and all, since we never find out what happened with Alex. And also good Lily, which always reminds me of Mia's best friend from Princess Diaries, was getting help and not bringing home guys every night to have sex and be all drunk everywhere. I thought she was gonna die in the book, that woulda been heartbreaking. Overall I loved it, and now I def have to go see the movie! And hey, the actress who plays Mia in Princess Diaries is in it, isn't she? haha.....
Front and back flap: Welcome to the dish, where new nutrition aptitude meets stylish lifestyle attitude! Serving up heaping helpings of nutrition knowledge designed to fit a busy schedule and a sense of taste, the dish is here to proclaim that you can have your chocolate torte and eat it, too! Forget starve-yourself regimens and diet gimmicks that just don't work; instead join Carolyn O'Neil and Denise Webb as they invite you to wine and dine, entertain and travel, and feel fabulous. As registered dietitians, they know their stuff, but call them the Dish Divas as they put the fun into eating right and feeling great. In these pages they dish out smart tips on how to make healthy eating stylish, and how to be trim by eating more, not less (yes, it can be done!). There are no food police on patrol here, just some real-life advice from two nutrition experts, who talk you through food challenges with wit and wisdom. Eating out? The dish is here, from four-star tables to the fast-food lane. What about a bit of the bubbly? The Dish Divas offer the lowdown on the liquid portion of portion control. Need to get your rear in gear? From power walking to karate kicks, they'll help you find the moves that appeal to you. They've even dished up plenty of fresh advice on beauty and fashion. To show you how to maximize flavor with flair, there are loads of easy-to-cook recipes from top chefs, dubbed Gourmet Gurus. And to answer that oft asked question How do stylish women stay fit and still live the high life?, Carolyn and Denise gather the secrets that work for their Hip & Healthy Heroines. A marvelous mix of nutrition advice, culinary wisdom, and chic insight, The Dish is here to help you create your own hip and healthy lifestyle. I liked this book alot! I read a little everyday and def learned a lot. First off, it's really easy to read and also fun. They have recipes in there. They had some really great charts for like how to get fiber in your diet and what drinks have the most calories and how long food lasts in the fridge and freezer. Everything was relatable and the things they gave were manageable. I learned a lot of things, especially since I'm a nerd and wrote down some of the stuff. It was also a cool idea how they put what book you should read if you wanted to learn more about a certain topic, and websites to go to to find out more information. I think it's awesome. and hopefully will help me out in my journey to be healthy and lose weight!
Back Cover: Sweet, funny L.A. hipster Molly has a blossoming new business and a supportive family. When she and Liam, a talented up-and-coming musician, meet, their attraction is instant, their connection unparalleled. But when Liam's recreational dabbling in the darker side of fame turns into a full-blown addiction, Molly must decide if her love is enough to change Liam... or if she should let him go to save herself. Tangled Up in Daydreams explores the terrain of one woman's emotional search for a love to last a lifetime and confirms that Rebecca Bloom is one of today's most creative talents. Hmm, interesting book. I liked that it was a book of someone older since I always read teen books, but the way it was structured was alright. Hence the title, it kinda got confusing sometimes because of some memories and going back to daydreams and the past. After a while I knew where it was in the present, but at first I was kinda like huh? It reminds me of this book I read senior year of high school I always forgot what it's called but it's in like stream of consciousness, which is kinda how this is. But I did love is how each character even though there wasn't any in first person, showed their feelings and emotions about things. and what Molly was feeling was so real and confusing and unsure and doubtful, it was really realistic and it didn't have like a fairy tale type ending, it leaves you wondering, what really did happen to their relationship? It was also kinda funny how it just said like, after someone talked, "looking up", or "brushing her hair" kinda lke I dunno hard to explain haha but overall I liked it, but it wasn't amazing. Oh and it's so funny because the author's name is almost the name of the main character of Confessions of a Shopaholic! Rebecca Bloomwood ha
Back Cover:
When you are fifteen years old and invited to Paris to give modeling a try, between the moments of glamour, you are still a young girl, alone in a foreign city. But Jirina is determined to make it work. The question is, at what cost? This was def interesting. To follow a young model, to Paris! I must admit that it was not very glamorous, at all! And for some reason I've like read books and the only other language they spoke was spanish, so I pretty much understood all of it, but here they're speaking French I'm like huh? and don't know how to pronounce it in my head haha, but to you it becomes something, to yourself, maybe not to other people. Like how you say someone's name or how you picture a place looking like. But Jirina, still dunno if I'm saying it right in my head, but it's all good. Of course the life of a model looks to be all great and fabulous, ya know I wanted to be a model before, but now not so much. And I wonder if the experiences are actually from Paulina's life or just made up or altered? Because it does say a novel, so I dunno. But it was harsh and brutal, to be a model in Paris. It sounds so great thogh. But she def didn't have that great of a time. But it's good to see the truth and feel how a model does, especially that no all models always think they're gorgeous and they need people to say they are, I guess lots of people are that way. But it was def a good book, took me a while to read because of the pretty small print, but I finished a lot today. But it was worth buying.
Back Cover: Since being diagnosed with Panic Disorder, Jade DeLuna is trying her best to stay calm, and visiting the elephants at the nearby zoo seems to help. That's why Jade keeps the live zoo webcam on in her room, which is where she first sees Sebastian. When she finally meets him, their connection is immediate, and soon Jade is drawn into the cozy life Sebastian has with his son and his grandmother on their Seattle houseboat. Even though the situation is complicated, Jade hasn't felt this safe in a long time. Until she learns that Sebastian is hiding a terrible secret. A secret that will force Jade to decide between what is right, and what feels right... This was another great book by her. It did seem kinda slow maybe at the beginning with the guy in the red jacket and I guess there was time to just learn about Jade, btw love her name, and how her life is, but ya know. I loved learning about the elephants and the quote at the beginning of every chapter, are they real? well whether or not they are I liked it. And the elephants sounded so amazing, like they feel everything just like humans do. And it's so weird, because it talks about in the book how she liked counted off words or whatever on her fingers and saw if it ended on her pinky. I used to do that! Like syllables, and it's so crazy that it's in a book that someone does that. I thought I was super weird about that! But anyways, Jade and Sebastian just click and they make something up that's not perfect, but that molds together perfectly. It was sad when he had to leave, and it was crazy that Jade's mom is the one who caused it. Speaking of her mom, she was like the teen in the house going to all the dances and things while Jade didn't. I liked that, how it was different than normal situations. Reading things that aren't always the same makes you learn stuff too. But yeah I'm just slowly moving along with my books, relaxing pace! No rush anymore :]
Front Flap: With the stunning revelation surrounding Bliss's true identity comes the growing threat of the sinister Silver Bloods. Once left to live the glamorous life in New York City, the Blue Bloods now find themselves in an epic battle for survival. Not to worry; love is still in the air for the young vampires of the Upper East Side. Or is it? Schuyler has made her choice. She has forsaken Jack for Oliver, choosing human over vampire. But old loves die hard... And even coldhearted Mimi seems to suffer from the ties that bind. Young vampires unite in this highly anticipated fourth book of the New York Times best-selling series. This was sooooooo goooood! I mean i was flying through it at one point and I did not wanna stop reading. I like how this one was into the different sections for Mimi, Schuyler, and Bliss. Some stuff I still am kinda confused about like all that history and when they used to be different people and everything, but it was great. Esepcially the part with Bliss! And that scary Visitor inhabiting her body I mean how weird would that be? And like at the end of every person you were left in suspense until you got to them again! It was so good, I love these books. I'm totally thinking of buying em all cuz I don't have any, just read it from library. But def a dark and scary book but there's still some love partsd. I was especially torn when Oliver just knew he had to give up Schuyler. SAD! And also when Bliss sayd good-bye to Dylan! But I know the next book whenever it comes out will be just as exciting! Cannot wait! Man there's so many good books out and series of books and everything. loooove it.
Back Cover: Hi Abby, Bet I'm the last person you expected to get a card from. The island is HOT and beautiful and brilliant, but you were 80% right about Davinia. No- 90% right. She's totally self-centered and she's trying to force me to date this CREEP! I'd sooner slit my wrists because I'm in love with someone else. He's gorgeous but he hates me. Aren't holidays supposed to be relaxing?! Abby, I wish we hadn't fallen out. Maybe see you when I get back? Lots of love (honest!), Chloe xxx This book was pretty good. For some reason to me it felt different than the other holiday type books. I think because it was a different type of situation. But dang, Davinia's parents were rude and not good parents, yelling at Chloe and everything. they act like Davinia is all that matters. But I liked how the beginning was like a separate world then the end. Like I remember Davinia and the guy she wanted Chloe to hang with, but then this next world with Alex and Chloe being so happy is what sticks to you and seems like a whole another story! But good book, def wish it was summertime and no school! It'll come fast though I know. and this is only my second book of the new year! Iv'e been sick all this week. But I'll hopefully be getting into a steadier pace, I know I def have lots of books for that though!
Back Cover: Life has been good for Becky Bloomwood: She's become the best personal shopper at Barneys, she and her successful entrepreneurial boyfriend, Luke, are living happily in Manhattan's West Village, and her new next-door neighbor is a fashion designer! But with her best friend, Suze, engaged, how can Becky fail to notice that her own ring finger is bare? Not that she's been thinking of marriage (or diamonds) or anything... Then Luke proposes! Bridal registries dance in Becky's head. Problem is, two other people are planning her wedding: Becky's overjoyed mother has been waiting forever to host a backyard wedding, with the bride resplendent in Mum's frilly old gown. While Luke's high-society mother is insiting on a glamorous, all-expenses-paid affair at the Plaza. Both weddings for the same day. And Becky can't seem to turn down either one. Can everyone's favorite shopaholic tie the knot before everything unravels? This was a great book! Becky just does not want anything to go away and keeps delaying things, now that's a procrastinator! But it was so fun to read about planning a wedding and made me want one! :] I thought it was so funny though, she just keeps plowing along thinking everything will turn out ok, and not wanting to hurt the other people. But in the end that was a brillant plan, and they figured out it's about them being together as the most important thing, not how it was done. But now I can't wait for the next one with I guess she has a sister? We will see