Fresh off the Boat by Melissa de la Cruz
Front Flap: Dear Peaches, America is PERFECT! I love it here. I wish you could come visit-we could go shopping on Market Street and you could meet all my new friends. And my new boyfriend. He looks EXACTLY like Tobey Maguire (from Spider-man, not Seabiscuit). We'll be the hottest couple at the Soiree! I miss you! xxxooo, V. Okay, so Vicenza isn't being totally honest with Peaches, her best friend back in Manila. But what fun is it being the new girl at snooty Grosvernor High? Or rooting through the Salvation Army for unholey cashmere sweaters? Or having culture-shocked, embarrassingly clueless parents? Maybe being Claude Caligari's ignored geometry partner is sort of fun, but Vicenza would rather be his girlfriend... or at least his date to the annual fancy-shmancy Soiree d'Hiver. Instead, she's stuck going with scrawny family friend Freddie in an outlet-purchased, coupon-reduced dress that is nothing short if disaster! But Vicenza won't be friendless, fashioinless, or "fresh off the boat" for long- it's only a matter of time before she sees what's right before her eyes, and her luck begins to change. It was so cool to read because I'm filipino! And this girl is too, so I like kinda learned more about my own culture and how they live there. I so want to visit Manila! But it's another thing about culture, and how adjusting to America is for people from other countries. Vicenza is a character that is so real and kinda sad too. She struggles because of wanting to fit in, and having a big crush on that one guy. then finding out he's not it. Practically in every book that happens. But it makes it even more true! It def happened to me. But I liked it and Melissa de la Cruz is awesome.
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