Ripped at the Seams by Nancy Krulik
Sami Granger is going to New York, from her little town in Minnesota to become a fashion designer. She finds a good deal for a hotel of $64 a night, but finds out, it's actually not so great. And then there's a murder there but she luckily finds a room mate, named Rain whose a model. Sami finds a job at an up and coming designer Ted Fromme. But just as a recptionist, where she meets Bruce, and starts to fall in love for him. But then he actually steals her designs claiming they're his. Tough as she is, she finds another job at a place called "Beneath the Sheets". She's not sure of it, but finds out that Lola is a great friend, and she soon starts to make some of the customer's nighties. Meanwhile, her best friend back home Celia, is pregnant, and having a few complications, but managing. And she still hasn't talked to her dad. Then there's Vin, whose been nothing but there for her. Will she ever realize it, and will she figure it out with her dad and become the big fashion designer she's always wanted to be? I love it. It was kinda different than the others because she already graduated high school. I like how it's in New York and the little phases you can go through by what atmosphere you're in. It's really genuine.
sounds like a lot goes