This was an excellent book. I liked it alot because it's so realistic, and even though I can't really relate because I'm not married and with a kid, I'll eventually be able to relate. And it goes to show how assumptions are not good, even though all the facts and observations seemed to line up for Paul cheating on Marissa, he didn't! and the one girl at the beginning she hated because she was pretty, ended up becoming one of her good friends because her boyfriend got her pregnant and left her. The irony of that one. What we think and assume of people isn't always true, probably most of the time isn't true, but we're such a judgemental country, it's sad really. and it's also sad how Pansy's parent never saw her!! Only for a few minutes. Marissa was actually scared to spend time with her own daughter, now that's def a weird thing. Def something common though, especially in families where the parents are like big time people. But I think it'd be great to visit Hawaii and this time is very good compliment to that.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Sweet Life by Mia King
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Weird Washington by Jeff Davis and Al Eufrasio
Haha, me and my boyfriend saw this in a like souvenir store for Washington and thought we'd look it up at the library and they actually had it! And I actually did read all the stories and everything. Some were def more interesting than others, but they were all cool since they come from my state Washington! Some stuff is def weird too, and it was entertaining. That's all I gotta say, oh and alsl of course alot of ghost stories and things that really don't sound true, but ya def gotta be there and experience something before you really know!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Dark Flame by Alyson Noel
Man, that ending was crucial! I read super fast, and I hate when I get all excited and read super fast and then like glance over a few paragraphs or something then it ruins what happens, cuz I can feel like oh no something really bad or good is about to happen! But this was def a more darker book than the others because of the dark flame she held within her for Roman, which she should have just told Damen about it because he loves her unconditionally, no matter what happens! And she knows that! And I can't believe that Haven is acting that way, and now she's her worst enemy because she thinks Ever killed Roman, uh oh next book here we go! and then about Miles seeing that painting, he's def freaked out and Sabine seeing that Ever was the fortune teller! Now she's in trouble! No wonder she had all her focus on bad things, but now she's really going to have to step it up and against her ex best friend, how devastating! I really liked this one and I actually read it super fast, in like a day and a half because I realized it's due from the library and I can't renew it! haha so yes a fast read but def a good one I was all at school reading it for an hour in between my classes :] hopefully I can still be on here about the same but we'll see with school so much is going on! Happy readings to everyone though
Sunday, September 5, 2010
The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan

One of the best books I've ever read. Not even lieing. I don't remember the first as much, but I remember it also being super good, my bestie told me about it, but this one is soooo freaking amazing. Wow, it's like Gossip Girl the show or Friday Night Lights, where all this stuff happens and you're like omg this is only one episode! I'm like omg this is only one book!!! So many intense things happen. Where life is so scary and unknown. It's a lot to process, but just the story she wrote. It's so real ,I can see why it says 14 and up because it has some really hard things in it! I mean I can't imagine a world like that! Like wow. Where you can't go anywhere else because these monsters are there and they'll infect you and then you'll become one of them wow. And just so many great moments, insightful and I don't even remember them but you just HAVE to read this book! You don't even have to have read the first one because the second one is about the daughter of the girl in the first one which is a cool idea and I like because you can still see the first girl's life but also a new girl's story. From her kiss with Catcher, the others getting caught, her mom leaving and her finding out she's not even really her mom!, her trying to kill Daniel, escaping, finding out about the cult, following the path of the forest, Cira turning into a Mudo, Catcher being immune, her loving Catcher then Elias, finding her mom and her old village, finding out her story and life, then the end where they have to go over all those Mudo in the valley. I could picture that in my head it made me shiver ewww. And I love the ending because it's happy, but you don't get the ending because they're still going on the path and it gives you hope. But I was just reading this book and did not want to stop! So I really loved this book and I'm about to buy both of em cuz this is the library's, but yeah it was an amazing brutal real book. LOVE IT!
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